Thursday, June 17, 2021

Immune UP | Trending Immune Booster

Hey guys, with the covid cases going up, have you ever wondered on what can be done to improve on our immunity? Well, usually the answer to that would be to eat healthily and to add on supplements to boost our immunity. I was recently offered to try the Immune UP immune booster, and since I believe that I do need to level up my immune system, I decided to give myself a go by trying the Immune UP Booster. In today's review, I'll be sharing with you what I think about the Immune Booster, from its benefits to the taste of it when consuming.

Immune UP

Starting off with a little introduction on the supplement, it has been basically designed and formulated to boost up your immunity sourced from immune-boosting ingredients such as Beta-glucan, Propolis, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3 and Zinc, all being available in one sachet. With high evidence-based and powerful advanced formula, it naturally strengthens your immune system and activates the body's immune defense against getting any infections. How is this possible? The immunomodulatory effect of Beta-glucan has been attributed to the activation of innate as well as cellular and humoral immunity that includes monocytes, neutrophils, natural killer cells and antibodies. 

Benefits of Consuming Immune UP

You may be wondering what would be the benefits of consuming Immune UP if youre reading this. What it does is that it supports a healthy and optimal immune system, giving your body extra protection during this pandemic season. On top of that, it reduces symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections, and it also naturally activates the body's immune system to be ready and at their guard. Containing powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, it protects while possessing anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties as well. Other than that, it's also a great energy booster that helps you to combat fatigue.

The packaging and content

A little close up on what the packaging looks like, I would have to say at first glance it does look like its an anti-virus for your computer, but don't be fooled as this is actually a box that would give you a boost in immunity that contains 20 individually packed sachets for you to consume. It would be advisable for you to consume this daily, alternatively if youre on a budget, you can also consume this based on your needs as well. Each box retails at RM85, which I think is a fair price considering if you divide the 20 sachets, it would actually cost you RM4.25 per consumption.

Taste and Texture

To prepare this, all you need is to add the contents of the sachets into a glass of water, mix evenly and drink. Well, to break it down to you, the content of the Immune Booster sachet is in powder form and it has a tangy lime flavor. To those who know me, you would know that im not the kind of person who enjoys consuming 'weird' flavors, but this was surprisingly palatable. It was easy to swallow, and if you like it cold, feel free to add some ice into your drink. (Or at least, that's how I enjoy mine). hehe.


As a verdict, I would like to conclude in my post that it's a great supplement to include in your diet especially with the covid cases numbers rising up like we just won a lottery. You migth be wondering who should be consuming this? Well, it can be the elderly, a cancer patient, those going through a poor diet, those facing high-stress levels, and even those with diabetes. I honestly am not facing any of those issues, but I actually love the feeling it gives me, especially when my body is at guard and energized for me to run my daily routines. Since im working from home, i have to confess that i consume this supplement on days im planning to head out (cause we can't be too sure who we might meet outdoors). Better safe than sorry!

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