Wednesday, May 17, 2017

[REVIEW] Break your fast at Street Thai | Jaya One

The Ramadhan Buffet at Streat Thai
YES! To welcome the fasting season with about a week away, it's time to prepare yourself with some real food, and this blog post goes out to those who are craving for authentic Thai cuisines within Klang Valley. Now, the place that I'm about to introduce would be called Streat Thai, located in Jaya One in Petaling Jaya, and they serve Thai food the way it should be. Being Street Thai just within my backyard, I have to admit that I'm super excited to find out that they're joining the Ramadhan season by providing Muslims a Ramadhan Buffet offer from the 27th May to 24th June 2017. Now let's talk about the food!


The array of appetizers
Hor Mok Chicken
Grilled items and pandan chicken
Nam Phrik Shrimp Paste Sauce, definitely not something easy to get just anywhere
Minced Chicken with Herb
More appetizers!
With a variety of dishes being served, it would definitely please your cravings when anyone breaks their fast at Street Thai. Serving over 60 authentic Thai and other Cuisines, you will definitely be spoiled with choices when you're there. I know I was spoilt with choices! Hehe. For appetizers, we have am Phrik Shrimp Pase Sauce, Mince Chicken with Herb, Pandan Chicken and so much more! I really had a hard time to decide on what to have, but that doesn't mean I'm complaining. Hehe. And really, may I just add that it beats the typical idea of having salads as an appetizer?


Chicken Tom Yum anyone? Thai style!
Or for a less spicy version, Tom Ka khai?
As for the mains, you will be spoiled with so many choices and the few that I noticed would be of course the classic Tom Yum chicken soup (cause how can we not have tom yum soup right?), Tom Kha Khai (milder tom yum chicken soup), cabbage chicken soup and tofu soup with minced chicken. Yummy. Personally speaking, i was more fond to the Tom Yum Chicken and Tom Ka Khai, representing thai soups as it should be, which has like a sweet, sour, slightly spicy taste to the broth. Mmmm, just talking about makes me want more.


And the list goes on with different types of seafood, meat, and veggies!
For the mains, we have garlic chicken, sweet and sour chicken skin, vegetables, panaeng beef/lamb, black pepper beef, pad pet catfish and more! Initially, when I was browsing through the array, I fancied a section which was filled with grilled meat which I was surprised went pretty well with the other dishes served that day. It has almost everything covered for you, to cater to those who crave for sour dishes, or sweet dishes or spicy dishes, and it's super satisfying to see so much food in one location. This would be the heaven for those who loves the Thai cuisine.


I was so happy to see Red Ruby being on the list!
And don't we all love our mango sticky rice as desserts?
And how can we miss out on desserts? I'm sure the first thing that pops into your mind when it comes to Thai desserts, that should be the mango sticky rice! And guess what? They have it served too, with an unlimited flow to satisfy your cravings. Hehe. They also have the Tako Taro, the Sangkhaya Pumpkin, Coconut Jelly, Sago in Coconut Milk, Red Ruby, Kanom Tom and more. There were some desserts that I was a little unfamiliar, but I'm glad that Streat Thai decided to serve it as well to let the guest get a bite of thai desserts during the Ramadhan season.


The array is filled with options!
Loving the street-like ambiance
Bon-appetite or shall I say กินให้อร่อย?
Now time for the serious part. The price per person to enjoy this Ramadan Buffet would be RM48.90++ per adult and RM19.90++ per child. PROMOTION ALERT! But if you book 7 days in advance, you'll only need to pay RM39.90++ per adult, which you may need to plan ahead as seats are limited daily. It's located in Jaya One, and the Ramadhan Buffet would be served daily from 7 pm to 9.30pm during the fasting season from 27th May to 24th June 2017. I would honestly say its best that you make reservations to avoid disappointment. And there you have it! Break your fast with thai food at Streat Thai in Petaling Jaya. For the price you're paying, it's definitely worth it if you ask me. Hehe. Be sure to drop by their social sites if you're looking to find out more about Street Thai. xx

Streat Thai at Jaya One



  1. Yummsss... I am craving for thai food now. Their food selections look delicious.

  2. I want! I want! Thai food is my favourite!

  3. oh my goodness that spread is amazing! i can sit there the whole evening stuffing myself with all these yummy food!
